Ladybeetles are Rouge

My clever friend Kirsty has opened a shop. A lovely crafty studio – Pompom Rouge. It is filled with the loveliest, sweetest, hippest stuff you could ever want to own.

To help her celebrate I designed and  made her some ladybeetle cushions…


We’d love to share these with you too.

If you want to make one you can find the pattern here.

If you’d like me to make one for you and send it to you then you’d best leave a comment. I have one to give away (I think my blog turns three this month so consider it a celebration of my ability to focus my attention for longer than I ever expected!)

I’ll draw out one comment next Friday the 28th of August and that person will receive a ladybeetle cushion made just for them.

Good luck!


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34 responses to “Ladybeetles are Rouge

  1. Ooh ooh *shoots hand straight up in the air* Pick me! Pick me!

  2. Pingback: lady beetles must be lucky « pompom rouge

  3. Oh that’s just gorgeous! Put my name in the draw, please!

  4. *Melody puts her hand up*

    I know a little girl who would love one. And her Mumma too! *heehee* If I will, I’ll get you to send it to my folks place…

    If I could buy fabric over here I’d be getting that pattern off you.

  5. What a cute cushion – well done Tracey! My little girls would love cushion like that in their room

  6. That is a fun little cushion. Good luck to your friend in her new venture.

  7. oooh that’s lovely. I might try one of those for a xmas pressie.


  8. That’s gorgeous. What other surprises do you have up your sleeve? Clever Tracey 🙂

  9. SO cute and so sweet of you to make!

  10. I’m going to comment and say how nice it looks.

    I’m going to be blase, and pretend I don’t want to win.

    I’ve entered all your competitions, and never won.

    I want to believe that one day, I will.

    I WANT TO WIN!!!


  11. Beautiful! (Don’t enter me, though. I’m overseas. Don’t want to stick you with shipping.)

  12. Oh how I’d LOVE one of these. All my fingers and toes are crossed. What a lovely little giveaway. Off to visit your friend now x

  13. Very cute!

    Thanks for alerting me to Pompom Rouge, the stuff people get up to when you’re not looking! Amazing.

  14. h&b

    So lovely, and what a good friend you are! I’m so excited for Kirsty, it’s all too too fabulous 🙂

    ( BTW, the cushion is sooo gorgeous, but please, if I am drawn, it would be wasted here with the boy-troops, i’d like it to go to a more girly home, where hopefully it won’t be ruined :p )

  15. A draw..oh yes please!! hands are up.
    Very gorgeous pattern too – you clever thing you.

  16. Oh yes! Very gorgeous! I would like to enter if I may! If I win you can send it with my fairy cushion! 🙂

  17. Ladybeetles are gorgeous!

  18. The little ladybird is gorgeous…. or is it a ladybug… or perhaps a ladybeetle??? No matter what, definitely a lady! Very sweet. If I don’t win, then I shall have to make my own, and you have very kindly supplied the pattern…. Hooray!

  19. Great work – it’s just lovely!

  20. Wahoo, count me in!! If i don’t win, I guess I will make my own!! Thanks for the pattern.

  21. I was admiring your work over at Kirsty’s blog! The ladybug cushion is gorgeous. Best wishes on your blogversary.

  22. My daughter would love that Ladybug pillow as she has always loved ladybugs (granted she’s no longer a little girl but we are all “young at heart”, right?). So if I could win, it will go to her. And if not, I’ll be sure to print out the pattern to make one.
    I’ve only been blogging for a little over a year and I, too, can hardly believe that I have focused my attention on this for so long. 🙂 Looking forward to a second, a third, etc. anniversarys!

  23. This would be the most AMAZING thing for my niece…lover of all things ladybug!! Thanks for giving such a gorgeous thing away!

  24. sprucehillfarm

    Very cute cushions!

  25. M

    Seriously, who do I have to trample on to be first in line for that one?

  26. OOh hope I’m not toooo late!! v.v.v. cute – my girl has just finished her ‘minibeasts’ project for school, which involved a story about herself as a lonely ladybug who flew her rocket into space, but was bombarded by killer bees and crash landed on a world of minibeasts such as herself, ending happily with thousands of aphids to eat with all her friends!! She would love this cushion!!

  27. Congratulations on three years of blogging – that is quite an achievement. I think it was Kirsty who introduced you to me so thank you VERY much to her.

    p.s. give the cushion to Aunty Evil – you know you want to!

  28. Lady bug, Lady bug fly away to me. You will look perfect in my new nieces nursery.

  29. Ruth

    My granddaughter would love this if she could get it away from me! SOOO cute!

  30. Phyllis Schelling

    My youngest daughter collects lady bug things. I know she would just love this! What a wonderful offer! Thanks!

  31. Heather Jane Hanson

    Much to the delight of my four beautiful grandchildren I call them Nana’s Lovebugs. They get quite the kick out of it. Your pillow design is perfect to have in the play area when they come to visit.
    thanks for sharing!

  32. I’ve found it!!! Yes… mi first quilting aplique will be this awesome cushion. It doesnt seem difficult and there’s a ladybeetle, which in fact IS rouge 😉 and, as we say in the Spanish speaking countries, it will bring luck! Who to? It depends: if I’m able not to give it to the first person who tells me: “Oh, how pretty, I love it”, I’ll be lucky, if I give it to a friend or relative, luck will go with the ladybeetle and I’ll have to make another one… and this could become ‘The Never Ending Story’ ;)… it doesn’t matter really… I’ll get the necessary practice to take a different, perhaps more difficult project: I’ll always win, you see!
    Thank you very much for sharing,

  33. Megan

    The link to the pattern says that the page is no longer there. 😦

  34. My granddaughter’s house was filled with Ladybugs the day she was born. When the military moved my son to a new assignment, the logo on their new housing area was guess- a Ladybug. She’s eight now and has a collection of Ladybug stuffed animals, etc. I would love to gift her one on her birthday!

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