Pip’s Dogs

Philip has always been a child with an amazing capacity to love openly. He shows affection easily. He especially adores our dogs.

We bought the first dog when Pip was two. He called him Thomas after his beloved tank engines. He intended the name as a tribute to another great love of his life. Eighteen months later, when we bought another puppy to keep Thomas company, it was only logical that he should have the name Percy. Pip has spent many, many hours with his dogs. He used to have a photo of them sticky taped to the door of his bedroom with a caption “legends”  written in a childish hand and an arrow pointing to each dog.

They are beautiful, intelligent and well-mannered dogs.

This week, as a requirement for art class, Philip had to choose an interesting photo to use as a basis for a painting. He went looking for a suitable photo of his favourites.

His painting is going to be amazing.


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15 responses to “Pip’s Dogs

  1. grandma

    He is so enjoying art. Great drawing from the photo and the painting will be awesome.

  2. That black dog has extraordinary sticky-uppy ears!

  3. With an architect for a father and a quilter for a mother, how could the kid not be artistic? But his unique application of his own talent is amazing for someone his age!

  4. I’d stick to gerbils for the remaining engines in the series…

  5. Exactly what Melinda said.

    Already the painting is beautiful.

  6. What gorgeous dogs!! And what an artistic Fat Controller.

  7. Yikes. I’m verging on dog ownership in the foreseeable future and to read of Pip’s enduring and endearing love for his dogs is almost a push off the fence that I’ve been sitting upon! Good going, Pip, for your ongoing commitment to your pets! I look forward to viewing the finished painting!

  8. Make sure you show the final work of art, can’t wait to see it!

  9. I am also looking forward to the end result … looks great so far. Pets play such important roles in our lives!

  10. ashyinfrance

    Pip got to name all of the pets.

  11. Indeed it IS going to be amazing!

  12. M

    Awwww, what lovely doggies. Great result so far!

  13. Look forward to seeing the finished painting!
    Lovely dogs.

  14. Lovely dogs. No2 got to name our 2 – Pip (funnily enough!) as in Pippin from Lord of the Rings, good job it wasn’t Legolas, I couldn’t stand to be yelling that in the park! And Barney…just because that’s what he looked like…should’ve been Merry…

  15. candiedfabrics

    All 3 of them are great!

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