Well, I work and I work and I work

Then I sew…


I have been so incredibly busy meeting short timelines at work.

I come home looking for distraction from a busy mind.

These fabrics made into three tiny dresses are just the antidote I need.




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21 responses to “Well, I work and I work and I work

  1. Olá amiga!
    Conheci seu cantinho que é tudo de bom…
    lindo, criativo e alegre…
    Espero você em:
    Beijinhos carinhosos.
    Itabira – Brasil

  2. Love the colour combinations. So summery!! Beautiful. 🙂

  3. M

    So, how is it that you have the energy to produce such beautiful things after such taxing (paid) work?

  4. Love these fabrics together!

  5. candiedfabrics

    Bliss indeed! SO Lovely!

  6. Mmmm. Those are nice. How big are they? Doll size or baby size?

  7. Lovely! It is so fun and therapeutic to sew clothes for little people…..

  8. I love those colours – so cute!

  9. Cute as. Some loving and lucky Mum would be happy to scoop those up and admire a little daughter in those.

  10. I want more than one! I’m gonna sort out a PO Box so I can get some off you. Thing is, Lily is growing so quickly I doubt they’ll fit!

  11. The sweetest little things!

  12. If your work “at work ” is this beautifully done , you deserve a raise !

  13. Those dresses are super cute! I love the colors and fabrics you have used! This is just the inspiration I need!

  14. What sweet dresses, beautiful colour combinations, perfect for the warmer weather.

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