
A Viking has arrived to rescue me from being lonely.


Now I can hem those little dresses that have been waiting patiently.


Welcome to my family Viking. I’m so glad that you came home with me.


Even though I’ve only known you for one day. I love you already.


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17 responses to “Rescued

  1. AS long as there’s no pillaging or plundering going on!

  2. Shew….now you can get back to sewing! Isn’t that a strange feeling to not have a machine around??

  3. Oh good, it’s torture to be without a sewing machine!

  4. I quite like the idea of being rescued by a Viking.

  5. melcannady

    Love at first sew?

  6. I am extremely excited and impressed with myself that I have a sewing machine with the same name as yours because you are a real sewing person doing magic things with fabric and thread.

  7. grandma

    Hope you two make many beautiful buttonholes together.

  8. Oh he is such a darling….

  9. Your Husky is much, much newer than mine, but I do love mine so much! I am sure you will not be lonely any more.

  10. I’m very glad. And happy birthday Ashleigh.

  11. Ooooh, what happened to the old one, did it get plundered?

    Welcome to the new viking, I await impatiently to see what wonders it will produce with the help of you!

  12. Peta (aka the Apostrophe Bandit)

    Go beserk viking

  13. Oooh — I’ve always fancied being rescued by a husky Viking.
    So does this make your new machine a him or a her?
    Whatever – it looks lovely and I bet it sews like a dream.
    I fancy being rescued by any sort of benign Norse invader — especially since I read Summer of the Danes, one of the Brother Cadfael mysteries by Ellis Peters. Lovely lovely.

  14. No more withdrawal pains. Lovely!

  15. Oh Oh! Are these for sale? My tot would LOVE one.

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