
I have just spent three whole days without any internet access. I felt lonely and isolated. I wondered what everyone had been doing. I wondered what interesting thoughts had been expressed. I wondered what creative items had been crafted. I wondered what beautiful photographs had been taken. I wondered what it must have been like in the dark ages! I even watched the television – completely unfulfilling – and read a long book – more fulfilling.

Now I have returned to see that I need to read one hundred posts on my bloglines and I have had lots of emails sent to me that require a response. The world feels like it is back in balance!

On a completely unrelated matter (and because I don’t like to write a photoless post)…

I had never noticed that beautiful flower shape on the bottom of blueberries until this week. Nature is amazing.

Can you tell I got a new lens for my camera? It rocks!


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18 responses to “Blueberries

  1. It’s a great shot – can’t wait to see more.

  2. M

    Oh I totally understand. I HATE being without internet access, even for a few minutes. Unless I’m on holidays, in which case it is totally okay.

  3. Oh boy you have got the hang of that lens extremely quickly.

    That is a gorgeous photo.

    I think you should join Flickr!

  4. Welcome back! I felt so anxious when I was internet-less recently. I depend on my bloggy friends (like you) more than I knew.

  5. Three days?!?! I wouldn’t have survived!

    Welcome back!

  6. Lovely indeed.

    Your last few posts have been so touching and, as usual, so beautifully written.

  7. Ohhhh. Great shot. I’m jealous!

    Do you end up having to use a tripod for your macro shots, or is keeping the camera stable not an issue?

  8. Glad you are back with us. Great photo. Expecting lots more!

  9. h&b

    ooh – the lens, the lens .. tell me about your lens !

    Beautiful photo .. and yes .. come join Mary & me !

  10. Love that camera lens! I was just cursing my camera earlier today for how long it took to recover in between photos. I am waiting for K to grow a bit older and then she’ll inherit it. I really should learn to manipulate all my current camera’s capacity first! Drat!

  11. Three days without internet is BAD! I actually stayed off of it the whole time I was on vacation but that was planned so it’s completely different. Love the blueberry photo. Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits.

  12. Isn’t that truely amazing! The photo and the little shape!

  13. Oh, lucky you!!! Your shot of the blueberries is fantastic! Enjoy your new toy and I will try not to be too envious…

  14. Yummy. Glad you made it back to the 21st century.

    I’ve been round the blogs and there are pancakes, and breakfasts and now blueberries. I’m hungry.

  15. Nature has lots of beautiful shapes and you have captured the blueberries ‘beauty’ well…

  16. Welcome back.

    Nature is indeed, completely fab. We found our first conker of the year the other day and I don’t think my girls could have been more excited had it been made of pure chocolate.

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